Archive for May 16, 2011

One of those days

Posted: May 16, 2011 in Family, The Runs


Today has been one if those days. One of those days that has just been so enjoyable that you wish it wouldn’t end. And while I’ve been up since 4:30 this morning,  have run 13 miles and some change and have driven 90 or so…I don’t want to surrender to sleep because I’m sad to see this day go.

Today was the Rockford Half Marathon. It was my second HM, and it was truly a family (and friend) event. Last year, my sister, Christina, my brother in-law, Patrick and I ran our first…chasing our uncle Doug, who hit a 1:45 today(!). (It was training for this event last year that propelled me into making running a part of my life). This year, Christina and I ran again, but this tome we were joined by our step-mom, Sandi, who just started running this year, our dad, who has only been out running a handful of times before today, Henry, a mentor in the program I work for who has become a friend, and Bob, a coworker / friend of mine.

It had been hot earlier this week (hit 90 one day), but the temps cooled way down for this weekend (40s). The only problem with the cooler temps was the predicted rain which was to fall this morning, during the race. I am amazed at this blessing. ..we didn’t experience more than a sprinkle all day! It was truly an ideal racing weather day!

Bob and I ran together.  I felt really good most of the way and really happy with our pace…For a while I thought we even had a chance to break 1:50. I started to feel it in the last 2 miles…the extra “get up” I try to conserve for my last mile in training runs wasn’t there. Nonetheless,  we ended up running a pretty consistent pace (34 seconds per mile better than my pace last year) throughout the course and finished with a time with which I’m pretty pleased. It was great getting to run with Bob; this was his first half, and having him running next to me really helped me to keep my pace up.

For me, the real joy and highlights for today were not found in getting a PR. The best part was seeing everybody else do so well. The experience was sweet because it was shared.

Christina took 5 minutes off her time from last year.

Sandi ran the WHOLE WAY after her longest training run was 7 miles.

Henry “ran by faith” and finished strong…his longest training run had been about 5 miles.

And my dad ran the first 8.5 before stopping to walk (I honestly don’t think he’s been out running more than 5 or 6 times before today…and his longest prior run wasn’t much more than a 5k)…I was so proud of him when he turned that last corner and got running again all the way to the finish.

We had such an incredible, supportive cheering crew, too. I’m so thankful that Sara and our boys, Patrick and their boys, and Bret & Erica so enthusiastically braved the cold to meet us at three spots throughout the course to cheer us on before meeting us again at the finish. Thanks,  also to my mom and to my father in-law who came out to cheer us across the bridge at the finish. I don’t take that kind of family love and support for granted.

It was just so awesome to share this experience with these guys. I’m so thankful to God for such a memorable,  joy-filled day.