Archive for September, 2010

Okay, let’s start by pointing out what Mr. Hall and I obviously do not have in common:

  1. He holds the American record for the half marathon. The only American records I hold are in a box in my basement. They include Michael Jackson’s Thriller, the Motion Picture Soundtrack to Beat Street, and a bunch of old 45’s from the 60’s and 70’s.
  2. He lives in California. I live here in the heartland and often wish I lived in California.
  3. He went to Stanford. I’m a product of ju-co and state schools.
  4. He gets paid to wear Asics running shoes. I pay to wear these same shoes.
  5. He runs really fast, over long distances. I (seriously) don’t think I could keep up with him on my bicycle.

All that being said, Ryan Hall and I have some uncanny similarities.  And these are pretty good:

  1. Neither of us holds the World Marathon Record (yet).
  2. We’re both married to Sara’s. (No “h”)
  3. We both have written on the same shoe (see the video and pic at the bottom of this post).
  4. We both have a a serious sense of faith, rooted in Jesus Christ.
  5. As an expression of that faith, we believe that we’re called to care for others as if they are Christ himself, especially those who are poor, oppressed, and without hope. Both of us are using our running (Ryan’s fast, and mine slow), to make a difference for people living in these types of conditions. We’re doing this by raising money for the Hall Steps Foundation.
  6. On October 10, we are both scheduled to run the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Both of us will cross the same start line (though, by the time I actually cross the line, he should be about 3 miles in), run the same course, and (God-willing) cross the same finish line (I’m hoping to be halfway there by the time Ryan finishes).

Oh, and after 10/10/10, I’m also hoping to cross out the “World Marathon Record” comment…I’m hoping that Ryan will take care of that (so I won’t have to). 🙂

Here’s the link to the “shoe video.” Sorry…couldn’t find a way to embed.

(And here’s a pic of me, signing Ryan’s marathon shoe. )

That’s as of this moment, how many miles I have run since I started at the beginning of February.

That’s how many miles I’ve run in preparation for tomorrow.

It seems fitting to me that I should cross the cross the big 500 milestone during the longest run I’ll need to do before marathon training is complete.

Tomorrow, my training schedule calls for a 20 mile run. This is it: the pinnacle of marathon training. From 20, you run less and less until the big day, just 3 weeks from Sunday.

If you’re one of my, um,  two regular readers, you probably notice that I haven’t blogged a lot about running lately. My training was going pretty well, but then two of my last three weekend, long runs have been dreadful. I’ve been facing a lot af doubts as to whether this (the marathon) is something I’m going to be able to do. I am so afraid that, if this 20 miler goes poorly, if I can’t make it, there will be no hope for me to finish the marathon on October 10.

Quite frankly, it would really bum me out. I would be incredibly embarrassed to fail at this.

But then, I’m reminded of the fact that it’s been the process that’s been the reward. By God’s grace in this process, I’ve been able to reach my goal weight (something I would have considered to be inconceivable a year ago), I’ve had some tremendous times running and reflecting, I’ve made a handful of new friends, and that feels good. More importantly, the money that has been donated by my (awesome) team of supporters is going to make a difference for people whose concerns are incredibly more critical than whether or not they can run in some silly race. As doubt has crept in over the past few weeks, I’ve been humbled, and my motives have been shifted/refined to be reminded that I have the chance to be a part of something that could actually bring life and hope to people living in dire circumstances. Finishing the race to be congratulated should not be my motive. Running the Race with faithfulness, compassion, and love and thereby serving others and glorifying God should be my motive. I hope I will get to the point where I can honestly say that’s the case.

All that being said, I’m not planning to not finish this training or the marathon. If God grants my continued health and protection from injury, I absolutely intend, by God’s grace, to cross the finish line.

And so, I need to get to bed so I can get up nice and early. I’m planning to run my 20 on the Chicago lakefront, and from what I hear, I won’t be the only one running 20 on that path tomorrow.

Whatever happens, I’ll plan to provide the update here by the end of the weekend.

If you’re reading this before noon or so on Saturday, pray for me!

Today’s Highlights

Posted: September 2, 2010 in Family

Were taking the boys and the new dog, Lolli to a park with a big open field, running back and forth with all three of them across the field. Gabe is doing a great job helping to train this puppy; he really loves her and really seems all grown up as he walks her and tries to get her to obey.Lolli is tall enough to stand up and drink from the water fountain (though I know that’s probably gross). It was funny to watch, nonetheless.

Side note: Gabe started kindergarten last week and I feel like he’s growing up in full speed. This week, he has his first loose tooth, and we noticed today that he’s starting to get hair on his legs. What in the world?

Anyway, I was just so impressed with the joy that this time with my boys brought me.  It didn’t cost anything (nevermind the dog adoption fees, set up food and supplies, and initial vet visit), and it wasn’t fancy or elaborate. It was simple. Loved it.

The other highlight today was when (I don’t remember the context of the conversation) Gabe told me, “I like myself.” Wow. As someone who tends to take a pretty low view of myself, I just loved hearing those words come from my kid. So cool that he likes who he is. I love that.

I’m so full of gratitude for the time I’ve had with the fam over the past week and a half. It’s been so nice to (pretty much) set work aside and focus on being together. I’ve seen Caleb become a lot more affectionate during this time, and Gabe just seems so content. So thankful that we’ve got a few more of these days planned, as well.